Official Website for The Game of Morra - IFC Official Championship at the Italian Garden!
Official Website for The Game of Morra - IFC Official Championship at the Italian Garden! 

Getting Started

Read about The Game. Learn the Rules.Understand the language for counting. If you're interested in signing up for an Italian Fingers Championship Tournament, click Sign Ups to find the next tournament sign up date and then follow the directions at theSign Ups page for signing up.

The Game

It's a battle to become the IFC (Italian Fingers Championship) Champ and the IFC gives you that opportunity. This hand and mouth game brings much to the table. Get started and learn the Rules. Get your team ready and get ready to battle. Win it all and become the Italian Fingers World Champion. Get your team name inscribed on the Italian Fingers World Championship Trophy for bragging rights for yourself and your team. Is it strategy, luck, skillful planning, a crazy stare, intimidation from the sound of your voice, patience or just a unique playing style that will be brought to the table for a shot at the title? Practicing with others would be considered a wise choice but it's also a choice you have to decide for yourself. Are you ready?



Double Elimination
Teams of 4 members
12 points per leg
3 legs per game
No zeros – must throw 1-5

Total amount of teams will be thrown in a hat. At random numbers will be drawn with the highest number seeded against the lowest number for round one. Round two, Winners will be seeded against the winners from round one in order of their original seed. Losers likewise, will be seeded against other losers from round one in accordance with their original seed. Losers of Round two from the losers bracket are eliminated. Rounds will continue until a team out of the Winners bracket only remains. They will be seeded against the remaining team from the Losers bracket. In order to be crowned champion, the Winner's bracket representative must beat the Losers bracket representative once. The Losers bracket representative must beat the Winners bracket Champion twice in order to be crowned champion.

IFC Counting

2 - due (DOO-eh)
3 - tre (TREH)
4 - quattro (KWAHT-troh)
5 - cinque (CHEEN-kweh)
6 - sei (SEH-ee)
7- sette (SET-teh)
8 - otto (OHT-toh)
9 - nove (NOH-veh)
10 - dieci (dee-EH-chee)  




CONGRATULATIONS to the 2017 IFC Champions - TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Four years in a row for The Defending Champs as they did it again! 1ST. ROAD GANG Billy Olive Tom Mature Matt Calabria Sonny Olive 


IFC Team Tournament Championship at The Garden will not be held during Feast Week: announcement for the tournament will be shown here.


 The IFC became offical in 2005

Saturday, July 14, 2018 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Monday, July 4, 2016 Champions

1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 15, 2017 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Monday, July 4, 2016 Champions

1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 18, 2015 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 19, 2014 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Anthony "Ziz" Zozone, GM Matt Calabria

Sunday, July 14, 2013 Champions - OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL SOCIETY (Defending Champions)

Louis J. Pantalone, Louis Pantalone Sr., Louis Pantalone Jr., Joseph Brigandi Jr.

Sunday, July 15, 2012 Champions - OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL SOCIETY

Louis J. Pantalone, Louis Pantalone Sr., Louis Pantalone Jr., Joseph Brigandi Jr.

Sunday, July 24, 2011 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG

Tom Mature, Matt Calabria, Ziz Zozone, Joe Caruso, Sam Mento III 



Championship Results

Saturday, July 14, 2018 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 15, 2017 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Monday, July 4, 2016 Champions

1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 18, 2015 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG (Defending Champions)

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Matt Calabria

Saturday, July 19, 2014 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG

Tom Mature, Billy Olive, Sonny Olive, Anthony "Ziz" Zozone, GM Matt Calabria

Sunday, July 14, 2013 Champions - OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL SOCIETY (Defending Champions)

Louis J. Pantalone, Louis Pantalone Sr., Louis Pantalone Jr., Joseph Brigandi Jr.

Sunday, July 15, 2012 Champions - OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL SOCIETY

Louis J. Pantalone, Louis Pantalone Sr., Louis Pantalone Jr., Joseph Brigandi Jr.

Sunday, July 24, 2011 Champions - 1st. ROAD GANG

Tom Mature, Matt Calabria, Ziz Zozone, Joe Caruso, Sam Mento III


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